March 2020
Animation of ECCI Project
Edinburgh Centre for Carbon Innovation
This painting is to express the relationship between socio technical infrastructures, data and carbon. What’s more, the carbon emission of our Internet activities is quite large. For every second spent on Google, 7 grams carbon will be emitted.
The top part is energy source, such as coal, natural gas and petroleum, and the data centres. The next part like a waterfall is representing the data of Internet. The data slowly flows from top to bottom and becomes some web top searching topics, like coronavirus, then it becomes carbon, and finally flows into our city and our environment. In addition, I made this painting become the form of gif and video, then these elements will become more animated and give people deep impression on carbon footprint of Internet.
Some experts predict that the Internet will generate 20% of global carbon emissions around 2030. Purchasing a CD is actually more environmentally friendly than downloading it directly from the Internet. If people can manage their email subscriptions well, it should be a good way to manage their carbon footprint.